Ultimate Ninjas Oak Creek, WI

Ultimate Ninjas is a premier national obstacle course racing facility where kids ages three and up and adults of all ages and skill levels can train and play to build confidence and strength, inside and out.
Driven by the success of hit television shows and the sport being approved for the 2028 Olympics, Ultimate Ninjas offers a variety of obstacles and courses identical to the show for kids and adults of every age and skill level to try, practice and ultimately master. Ultimate Ninjas offers open gym, kids obstacle course training classes, birthday parties, Summer and Winter break camps, private events and also ULTIFIT, unique adult fitness classes that incorporate High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) as well as obstacle course training for beginners through OCR competitors. An “Elite Team” will be offered for boys and girls who are dedicated to more serious training and competitions.
This Oak Creek location features the nation’s highest-quality, engineered obstacles and agility courses including one of the only 18.5-foot mega curved walls. Other obstacles include the double salmon ladder, ring slider, lache bars, flying squirrel, quintuple steps and many more obstacles for kids, adults and super athletes to try, practice and master. This is the first Ultimate Ninjas to feature the big dipper, a curved pipe slider track and the second to feature a trampoline and foam pit. Obstacles are changed frequently to add challenge and variety.
The Oak Creek gym, located at 400 W Bell Ct #350 in Oak Creek, is owned by pro ninja Mike “The Stallion” Silenzi, a ten-time American Ninja Warrior veteran. Managers include Milwaukee’s own Nathan and Marquez Green, twins who have competed on many seasons of American Ninja Warrior.
“Unlike traditional sports where you compete against another team, in ninja it’s you against the obstacle, which can nurture a friendly and encouraging environment. Ultimate Ninjas is a place where the local community and surrounding areas can come together for fun and fitness,” said Silenzi who is featured in the new children’s book I Hit the Buzzer (I Can Be an Ultimate Ninja), which is the #1 Children's Fitness category book on Amazon.
Other Ultimate Ninjas locations are in the Chicago area, St. Louis, Indianapolis and Anaheim, California. More information and to make reservations for open play, camps, birthday parties and classes, visit https://ultimateninjas.com/location/oak-creek/ For updates, follow Ultimate Ninjas Oak Creek on Facebook and Instagram. Contact Oakcreek@ultimateninjas.com or 414-307-4411 with any questions.