Cozy Nook Farm | What’s happening in Milwaukee

Cozy Nook Farm

S11 W30780 Summit Ave
Waukesha , WI , 53188
Phone: 262-968-2573
43° 1' 15.9168" N, 88° 21' 37.926" W
Contact name: 
Tom and Joan Oberhaus
Subjects / Categories: 
Seasons / holidays: 
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
Cozy Nook Farm is primarily a working dairy farm with 65 cows, mostly registered Brown Swiss and Guernseys. Our milk is shipped to Swiss Valley Farm (recently merged with Prairie Farms) where it is made into cheese. Our Fall Market opens the end of September with a wide variety of pumpkins, squash and gourds. The FRIDAY after Thanksgiving, we sell Christmas trees, wreaths and garland. Educational farm tours are offered from spring to fall by appointment.